The ultimate stargazing experience at the one and only Uluru-Kata Tjuta National Park. In the depth of darkness, our astronomy guide will take you on an unforgettable journey of stars, sound and surprises.
Panoramic view over Kata Tjuta, stroll in Walpa Gorge , and enjoy the magnificent sunset over Uluru! 远眺卡塔丘塔全景, 徒步瓦帕峡谷, 欣赏乌鲁鲁壮丽的日落美景!
The early rise is well worth it as you experience the incredible culture and landscape in Uluru-Kata Tjuta National Park. 领略红土中心的绝美日出,用脚步丈量壮丽的乌鲁鲁,深入了解原住民文化。
Enjoy the 3.5 hour Rim Walk of Kings Canyon and get amazed by the sheer cliffs, broken cracks, lost city, ocean bed ripples, etc $335 pp including Kings Canyon National Park Ticket from Nov 1 to May 31st.
View an outback sunrise at Kata Tjuta and a walk with your Guide to the Valley of the Winds. 带你领略宫崎骏漫画的取景地,深入风之谷欣赏澳洲内陆的奇花异草。
Enjoy the Mala Culture Walk within the Uluru Kata Tjuta National Park. 行走在马拉步道,欣赏乌鲁鲁震撼景致和古老文化!触摸感受巨石的纹理,来一场6亿年的时间对话!
The ultimate stargazing experience at the one and only Uluru-Kata Tjuta National Park. In the depth of darkness, our astronomy guide will take you on an unforgettable journey of stars, sound and surprises.
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